Half Dome, afternoon, Yosemite Valley
Afternoon summer light with the shadow of North Dome arcing across the bottom. Chris Johnson and I camped on the only place, and by "camped" I mean stopped and sat down. There is a big boulder on the lip of the cliff and two slots in the rock flat enough to roll out sleeping pads. We had found water at the last possible place so we were rich. The routefinding to get to the Diving Board took optimism, luck and map study.
Platinum contact print, 5X7 image) or silver gelatin print on 20X24 paper. Edition of 40. 1,200.00.
You need to make more photographs outdoors with the 5x7, You are terrific at it.
Shooting like mad for a big show in Tyler this fall. Just posting from the bottm up until I get sixty images or so on the blog. Gotta have a place to send folks to look at work. You can use the keywords at the bottom to sort them out and look at one group of images at a time.
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