Saturday, May 18, 2024

Working the Yard at Lindsey Lane.

 When I really WAS a child, I got a job photographing hotels around the country.  At one point I was in Connecticut, at a hotel that was the third one on its site.  The first one had dumped garbage in a creek on the back of the property.  The creek and the dirt was full of crockery and bits and pieces of restaurant ware.  I had my normal kit, including rubber boots for wandering off to brushy viewpoints.  I spent an hour in the creek pulling up bits.  Really taken with broken cups and bowls.

Over the years they have dwindled for various reasons, down to just the favorites.  I'm de-cluttering further around the house.  Some things close to them went.  They were on my mind.

Yesterday I saw a fresh mushroom while I was in the yard early with a cup of coffee.  I brought in the cap and stood it up in one of the half-cups.  Shot one 8X10 piece of film.

This morning another mushroom cap had emerged in nearly the same spot.  If the cards get dealt that exactly, I never refuse to play a hand.  I brought it in for a second, better/different/newer composition.  It is better.  

Now I have them all lined up in the studio.  Expecting a third mushroom.

Day One

Second look.

Maybe, with good printing.

So.  Tomorrow.  Maybe different cup.  Different mushroom.  Different cut.  Different me.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Interesting compositions! Love it!