Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fall Lab work.

  Lots of fun in a 50 sheet box of Ilford Multigrade warmtone.  Just ran through the end of a box yesterday.  Takes about four printing sessions.  Still having enlarger field-illumination issues.  They just don't make these so they work, even the famously-promoted and improved Zone VI isn't any good.  Struggling by.  Always gives you some odd burning and dodging patterns.  After a couple test strips to get the contrast and exposure close, I use a whole piece of paper with no burning or dodging to see where it needs work.  Then it usually takes one more after that to fine tune.  Three full sheets and strips to get a print.  Typical.

See the dark bar down the left edge?  Plus the rampart was over-dodged.  I gave up on this one because it has two black pinholes in the upper left sky.  Gotta patch holes in the negative.  If I can get them handled it will be no problem, now that I have seen it.

Unprinted negative for a show next year.

My handbuilt frames.

Never printed.  Very tricky.

Last print of the box.  White trees.

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